

Taking on debt to pay f或者是 things we need is very common. Swiping a credit card at a store is simple, easy, and more convenient than carrying cash. Unfortunately, because charging things is so easy, many people end up with too much debt.

如果你的债务超出了你的承受能力, a debt management plan can help you gain control of the situation. 在你报名之前, it’s important to understand how they work so you can know whether it will be the best solution for your situation.


Having too much debt isn’t just an inconvenience—it can cause serious problems in your life. A debt management plan may help you resolve or avoid these issues.


Having too much debt could result in missed payments, which will harm your credit score. Having a good credit score isn’t just important for obtaining loans. 当你:

  • 申请工作
  • 获得实用程序
  • 租公寓
  • 购买汽车保险
  • 获取手机服务 

Because of this, maintaining a good score at all times is important to avoid running into problems.


If you have too much debt, it could cause you to be denied a student loan, 房屋抵押贷款或者你需要的其他类型的贷款. A lender may consider you to be a high risk for default if you have a lot of debt.


Many people throw in the towel on their debt and declare bankruptcy. A bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for several years and make borrowing difficult until it is removed. 


控制债务, an important tool that many people turn to for help is a debt management plan. When followed, it can help you eliminate your unsecured debts within three to five years.

A debt management plan is a strategy for paying off your unsecured debts if you choose not to use a 债务合并贷款 或者宣布破产. It’s important to point out that these plans only help you pay off your unsecured debts, like 信用卡. 不能用来偿还你的抵押贷款, 汽车贷款及其他债务.

Debt management plans are offered by non-profit credit counseling agencies. 你可以在网站上查看 全国信用咨询基金会 或者是 U.S. 律政司 查找信用咨询机构名单. 

Another option is to use San Francisco Federal Credit Union’s partner, 平衡, a non-profit credit counseling agency that has helped many people over the years get control of their finances and pay off their unsecured debts. 

Balance is accredited, submits to voluntary audits, and all of its counselors are certified. This means you will be working with a professional organization that is committed to helping every person they work with meet their financial goals. 


当你参与债务管理计划时, a credit counselor will work closely with you to develop a customized plan for your unique financial situation. Your counselor will also negotiate with your creditors to see if they will decrease your payments, 降低你的利率, 或者免除滞纳金.

Debt repayment is simplified with a debt management plan. You will make one payment to the agency each month to cover all of your unsecured debts. 然后,代理机构会为你分配付款. This helps the agency ensure that you are staying on track.

In addition to helping you reduce or eliminate your current unsecured debts, your credit counselor may also work with you to develop better money management skills. This could include advice on creating a budget and lowering your expenses.

A modest fee may be required to participate in a debt management plan. 这笔费用可以自付, 然而, 用从降低支付中节省下来的钱, 免除滞纳金, 以及你将发展的理财技能.

作为和你合作的条件, your credit counseling agency will require that you not acquire any new credit lines during this time. They will also require you to close your current credit card accounts.


债务管理计划有几个重要的好处 要考虑的. Working with a debt counselor can take a lot of the guesswork out of the negotiation process. You may also develop new financial skills to help you manage your money better in the future.

1. 你会更有条理

Because you only make one payment each month to your credit counseling agency, 跟上你的账单会容易得多. The agency takes care of disbursing the payments for you so all of your payments are made on time.

2. 它给你一个努力的目标

很多人经常觉得自己被债务淹没了. The idea of breaking free may seem like an impossible dream when you try to do it alone. Your counselor will develop a plan to get you out of debt within three to five years as long as you make timely payments to your credit counseling agency. 

3. 你的信用评分可能会提高

如果债务负担过重导致你错过了一些付款, a debt management plan can help you make all of your payments on time as you work to eliminate the debt. 这可能有助于提高你的信用评分. 这也能帮你省下滞纳金.

4. 你会得到专业的理财建议

The financial advice you’ll receive while participating in a debt management plan can help you manage your money better in the future.

5. 你会消除你的无担保债务

If you complete a debt management plan, you will completely pay off all of your unsecured debts. 


Although a debt management plan is a great way to get control of your finances, 它可能并不适合所有人.

One of the requirements to participate in a debt management plan, 例如, is that you have to close all of your current credit card accounts. This could cause problems if you have to book an airline flight, 预定租车或酒店房间, 或者在网上买东西.

Click below to learn more about the pros and cons of debt management plans. It will help you decide whether it’s a good option for you.

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